Da Xue Shan – Snow Mountain 2020 No.866

Da Xue Shan – Snow Mountain 2020 No.866

Discover Da Xue Shan - 大雪山 (Big Snowy Mountain) on the map →
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Da Xue Shan (大雪山), the Snowy Mountain, is located in the northern part of Yunnan province. The northerly climate has an interesting effect on the teas: they tend to have a fresher, more fragrant character that differentiates them from their southern relatives.

Our friends here pay extreme attention to the process of making the teas. Even for the shortest steps of withering, they cover the leaves with gauze so that they stay clean and unharmed by bugs and insects. This care echoes in the superb quality of every tea they sell.

Preparing Instructions:

Quantity: 5-6 grams per 150 ml.
Water temperature: 85-95ºC. From fresh, spring water or filtered water.
Brewing time: 10-15 seconds
Infusions: 10-12

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