Sencha Koufu 2023 No.333 Sencha Koufu 2023 No.333

Sencha Koufu 2023 No.333

Japanese green tea
umami, amazing greenness, sweet aftertaste
Kōfu 万緑 – Light wind

Yoshida tea garden
Uji, Japan

Discover Uji (Kyoto, Japan) - 宇治市 on the map →
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While in China green teas are traditionally baked, in Japan they are usually steamed. This process allows the leaves to keep their natural greenness, freshness, and vitalizing energy. The primal slightly astringent, mild violet-like flavor later turns into a long-lasting sweet aftertaste. Outstanding umami notes, and amazing greenness emerges from the cup.

One of Uji’s ancient tea gardens, the Kōzan-Ji (高山寺) temple has been tended by the Yoshida family for 16 generations now. This degree of proficiency echoes in their teas too: refined and extremely balanced flavors supplemented with beautiful elegance.

Tasting notes:
Steamed gaiwan: notes of fresh green, silky butter and toasted nuts
Tastes, and feelings: Outstanding green potion with incredible green notes. Pine nuts, nettle, spinach, cream. It starts with a nice bitterness, then turns to a pleasantly sweet aftertaste. Such as most Japanese greens this sencha also can evoke the ocean feeling with mild salty notes. Wonderful Japanese tea with a strong dynamic effect.

Tasted again in July 2024:
Matured complexion.
Steamed gaiwan: corny, salty, with a sweet gooseberry twist;
1. brew: more pronounced with a delicate gooseberry aroma
Taste: gently fishy, more catfish than salmon;
2 brew: gooseberries appear alongside the fish, salty, algae-like
Retrograd: spring flower meadow and mower;
3. brew: gooseberries take over here too
Effect: a calm alertness to ward off drowsiness

Preparing Instructions:

Quantity: 5-6 grams per 180ml
Water temperature: 75ºC. From fresh spring, mineral water, or filtered water
Brewing time: 45 / 30 / 45 … seconds
Infusions: 2-3

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