Da Xue Shan 2014 No.856 Da Xue Shan 2014 No.856

Da Xue Shan 2014 No.856

sheng puer tea from 600+ years old trees
mild tobacco taste with apricot jam
brings a carefree world

大雪山 - Da Xue Shan – Great Snow Mountain
Yunnan Province, China

Discover Da Xue Shan - 大雪山 (Big Snowy Mountain) on the map →
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An outstanding tea from the Great Snowy Mountains (Da Xue Shan) from old, 600+ years tea trees. The leaves were plucked in 2014, since then the tea is matured a bit, thus the tastes and feelings deepened. Teas that are coming from old trees (古树, gushu) tend to be more complex than those that are not. The age of the trees gives the tea an extra layer—we could either call it ‘the message of tea’, or ‘tea energy’ (茶气, chaqi). These teas can help to relax and vitalize at the same time; floating through the body, they help to calm down and focus on the inner self.

A good friend of ours, Péter Galambos told about sheng puer once: “If you drink tea, you also need to have a calmer environment, a bit more focused mental state. You need to give a chance to the tea to reveal itself. Sheng puer has this amazing dimension that is hard to believe. This subtle experience is almost like a meditation experience. For me, this is the greatest value of sheng puer.”

Tasting notes:
Steamed gaiwan: pipe tobacco, salty biscuit, the warmth of home
Tastes, feelings: Mild tobacco-like tastes with apricot jam, oakmoss, and caramel milk. We found ourselves in a carefree, calm state of mind. Really nice and strong tea this is.

Preparing Instructions:

Quantity: 6-7 grams per 150 ml
Water temperature: 85-95ºC. From fresh, cold spring water or filtered water
Brewing time: 5-7…seconds
Infusions: 10-12

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